Getting to Know You
I wanted to get to know you,
Everything about you:
The things you laughed at,
Loved to do with your spare time-
The reason you curled your nose-
The food you enjoyed to cook the most-
I wanted to know what made you angry
What made you sad and teary-eyed-
The things that made you happy and glad.
All these and so much more were my goal to discover.
Like a pioneer to be the first to learn.
Your triggers that scared-
The comforts that chased the scary’s away.
What you endured as a child, a teenager, and adult.
How I could make space for all versions of you.
I chose to love you no matter the day-
I was hoping to get to know you:
That’s why I called and asked what you needed-
To stop seeing each other is what you said.
It is no wonder I was so hurt,
I could not let go of you:
I was betrayed at the very moment,
I was professing my deep love for you.